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Slice Of Life

Slice Of Life Bijou Classics Gay Porno Dvd
Slice Of Life | Bijou Classics | Gay Porno Dvd
From the Slave & Master series comes Slice Of Life, where consensual torment takes many different turns and twists. If this vintage gay porn video is a Slice Of Life, the life of Bauser is truly analogous to the opening image - the heavily tattooed hand of Leather Rick slicing oranges on a bed of machetes. Biker leather bear top Leather Rick with the cool, expert finesse and finely paced crescendos of brutalization pours hot wax, electrocutes with a violet wand, flogs and straps his slave Bauser in various bondage positions. The sometimes aimless, blurry camera work and poor lighting actually gives the piece a docudrama feel - in the dungeon setting, watching and vicariously experiencing the gradual ascent/descent into the ecstatically frightening endomorphin rush of Bauser as he undergoes his torments with an amazing, intense control and almost no explicit verbal interaction or instruction from his master/top. Though the scene transitions are not clearly defined at times, perhaps reflecting the fluidity of dungeon play, the first activity essentially transforms Bauser into a human altar, the ritualistic, symmetrical placement of the votive candles actually calling into mind the Hindu temple imagery of the opening credits. Bauser is slowly nailed to his bed of machetes and bound to it with barbed wire. Leather Rick pours hot wax on him while placing several candles on his fleshy body. Amazingly, he doesn't writhe, as he is underneath barbed wire and several lit candles. The scene abruptly changes to Bauser, restrained by the hands to T-shaped cross, submits with varying degrees of tolerance, to a well-paced but frightening crescendo of flogging and strapping by Leather Rick. Just when one thinks Bauser is finished after he grovels in an ecstatic whimper and licks Leather Rick's heavy engineer boots, another top appears and Bauser is now bound with rope facing front in a crucifixon position. Leather Rick and the other top, the chilling sounds reminiscent of the Crucifixion, bind him with barbed wire, nailing the ends to various positions on the cross. Gamely, Leather Rick proceeds to strap Bauser, whose dazed face displays an endomorphin high, across the chest, abdomen, and thighs. One could modify Elizabeth Barrett Browing's famous line and apply it to this video: "How do I torment thee? Let me count the ways". Harsh and explicit! Cast: Leather Rick, Bauser, Dr Bob, House Mouse, PB Dick, The Skulls