While scouting the world's hottest men all across the globe, Kristen Bjorn shoots casting videos to see how promising new candidates perform in front of his cameras. Casting Couch 11 is the next in this fabulous series. The auditions are usually made between experienced actors and new talent who have never done porn before and the twenty scenes presented in Casting Couch 11 are ranked by their members as some of their very favourites. If you know Kristen Bjorn, you know that he always features the hottest men on the entire planet! Cast: Raul, Alessandro Madera, Abel, Adai Mazzini, Adai Sharif, Adam, Alex Brinsky, Anderson Fox, Apolo Knowbles, Axel Brooks, David Kadera, Hugo Martin, Jalil Jafar, John, Ken, Lucio Saints, Manuel Lopez, Mike Richie, Pablo Costa, Paulus Guell, Sergio Serrano, Yule